Patton Oswalt is similarly good and Karen Gillan is a breath of fresh air in her scenes. Despite being underused, with the character not featuring in the film for a quite long stretch, Tom Hanks makes a valiant effort and brings a lot of much needed charisma and energy whenever he appears. Not to say that they are the only good actors. They were the only characters that one feels anything for throughout. Unfortunately both died not long after, both sudden and both were and still are very sad losses. Close behind is a sympathetic Glenne Headly, her mother figure full of maternal warmth and sympathetic sincerity. The best performance comes from Bill Paxton, moving doesn't describe adequately his heart-breaking turn as Mae's multiple sclerosis-riddled father, a more physical role than verbal in showing the latter stages of MS and it comes over incredibly realistically. It is not a complete waste and there are merits. As a film, 'The Circle' is certainly not awful but it is sad that a film with so much potential frustrates more than it intrigues. And the premise was absolutely fascinating, touching on themes that are relevant today and important. You couldn't argue with a cast this talented, though there were admittedly reservations about Emma Watson and Ellar Coltrane. There was a good film somewhere in 'The Circle' that sadly almost never comes out.